Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week Three

This week was amazing but overall less sleep for all of us. It started with our first trip to the emergency room in the middle of the night...but all is well. Creighton just had excessive bleeding that was all fixed by a wonderful ER doctor. Our most exciting moment of the week was his first successful tummy time; he was able to hold his head up! We didn’t have the camera ready at the beginning but caught the very end, photo below. We had warmer weather and less wind this week and we were able to get out and walk almost every day. We really enjoy the fresh air and Bailey loves the exercise too. Another first was our first party...we attended Jackie's graduation party; it was a lot of fun to see everyone even if Creighton slept the whole time. On Sunday Creighton discovered a pacifier he likes, to have one hand free is a huge relief for us, we don’t have to use our pinkie finger anymore - yippee. Also on Monday the 17th after three weeks of quality time with Creighton and I, Tim started back to work in McCall. We miss him already and he just left yesterday. Here are the pictures from the week...

click here to view photos from this week


  1. Those are some great pictures. I hope you guys enjoyed the first three weeks together. You'll look back fondly on those times (and wonder how you survived with no sleep!), it goes so fast!

  2. OH my goodness the one of him sleeping is so sweet- he is so tiny! precious- thanks for sharing!
