Saturday, April 30, 2011


A lot of memorable events happened this April. We were all able to be a part of our cousin Josh's wedding celebration on April 3rd. Great Grandpa and Grandma Stuck came over for a visit on the 7th. We celebrated Tim & Creighton's birthdays with Auntie Penny and the family on the 10th. Grammy and Grandpa Garity and Aunt Stacy arrived in Boise on the 20th to celebrate Easter and Creighton's first birthday party with some friends on 23rd. During their visit Creighton enjoyed showing them the Birds of Prey Center and he surprised us all when he walked for the first time across the living room.

We found out at Creighton's doctors check up on April 28th and he weighs 19 pounds 12 ounces and is 28 1/2 inches tall. When it comes to feeding himself, this month he has been willing to eat pancakes and bread slices in addition to his Cheerios and puffs. He is changing so much every day and has started to voice his preferences. He prefers to be outside (no matter the temperature or weather conditions). And he still prefers books over any other object. He has figured out how to remove the pins on the front door to release the hinge. And he still pushes the airplane back and forth a million times a day.

Mandie enjoyed working part time (Creighton attended daycare) three mornings a week, for the month of April but that was short lived once Tim accepted the job offer in Asheville, North Carolina starting in June. So one chapter is ending while a new adventure begins.

click here to view photos from this month

Friday, April 22, 2011

First Steps

So exciting...Creighton took his first steps this morning (and way more steps then we expected) and Grammy caught it on video! He has been standing on his own for a few days but as soon as he realizes he is not holding on he sits down, so this was really exciting when all of sudden he just started walking all the way to Daddy.