Friday, April 6, 2012

what is Creighton up to these days?

He keeps changing so fast, what he likes and does not like, his interests, etc

Here are a few things that Creighton currently enjoys...

...playing in his crib when he first wakes up in the morning and after nap

...reading his Thomas the train book multiple times a day

...counting to three

...talking a lot, probably about 50 words, mainly single words no sentences yet, but he can definitely communicate what he wants, his favorite word to say (and first three syllable word) is banana

...playing with trucks, his tow trucks and dump trucks seem to be the favorite trucks right now

...playing with trains, mainly the Thomas and Percy engines that he borrowed from his cousin Patrick

...right now at the playground it is hard to get him off the swing, he could probably swing for an hour if we let him

...shooting the basketball or rolling on top of it with his belly

...hitting the baseball off the tee (or off of anything really, Mommy's hand works good too)...see video below

...playing red light green light on the back patio

...taking a wagon ride every night (rain or shine)

...his eating habits continue to change every couple of weeks, last week he was all about the chicken nuggets and this week its smoothies

He is going to be such a great big brother.

click here to view our photos from this month.