Tuesday, May 1, 2012

our little boy is 2 years old

During April we had visits from Grammy, Pop-Pop, Aunt Stacy, Meme, Papa, and Aunt Mollie.  We participated in two Easter egg hunts, play dates, drum circle, and a trip to Georgia while Tim was on assignment in Virginia.  We found out we are having a GIRL and we celebrated Creighton's second birthday.  Here are some of our favorite photos from this months.   

 (Tim and Creighton greeting the Easter Bunny at Biltmore Estates with knuckles)

Creighton continues to amaze us.  He is now counting to ten, stringing 3 or 4 words together and communicating his wants to us, playing basketball now out ranks everything else he wants to do, second in line is reading his truck book.