Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Moira's first two teeth arrived

6 months old and sitting pretty

Liam's 3rd birthday party

fun at Fletcher Park

Happy St. Patricks Day

play date with Conrad

 Grammy and Pop-Pop's visit

 Meme and Papa's visit

Happy Birthday Daddy

 egg hunt at Fletcher Park
 waiting patiently for egg hunt to begin
he was so thrilled he got 3 eggs

Happy Easter

Creighton and Liam at the Biltmore Estates Easter egg hunt

Moira got her first two bottom front teeth and so she had a few weeks of not sleeping through the night while they arrived.  Another first for Moira this month was a runny nose, it arrived at the same time the teeth.  She has started to babble and really enjoys sitting up unsupported to play.  Creighton really enjoys playing with her.  This month he started asking, daily, "Can I play with sister?"  It is so sweet how he cares for her, helps her with toys, reads her books, hugs her, tickles her, and his favorite "I am going to goof around with Moira". 


It is so fun to spend every day with these two amazing little people.  I am so blessed.  Tim was on a fire assignment for 23 days and didn't get to spend St. Patricks Day with us but he made it home in time for his birthday and Easter.  Also we found out that Tim got a new job in north Georgia and will be starting May 6th, so we are moving at the end of April.  With his new job he hopes not have to travel as much, as he will be more of a local resource rather than a national one.  We are looking forward to the new adventure in the mountains of Georgia.

Click here to view our photos from March.