Friday, April 22, 2011

First Steps

So exciting...Creighton took his first steps this morning (and way more steps then we expected) and Grammy caught it on video! He has been standing on his own for a few days but as soon as he realizes he is not holding on he sits down, so this was really exciting when all of sudden he just started walking all the way to Daddy.


  1. Nice job, Creighton! Those are some amazingly bold first steps. May you always be as fearless are you are right now!

  2. Creightooooooonnnnnn!! That's so awesome! He already walks better than I do and he's been doing it for, like, 3 minutes. What a champ! Can't wait to see him (and you guys, of course) soon!

  3. Watching this video over and over while he is celebrating his birthday in Boise today. Miss you little man! Meme has kisses waiting in Georgia for you in just a few weeks!!!! Love you!

  4. Holy cow Creighton!!!!! Thats AWESOME!!! I am so happy to be able to watch this since I am not there!!! Congrats buddy. Miss you but can't wait to see you soon!!!

  5. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! way to go Creighton danger!!!
