Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Movin and Grovin"

Creighton weights 10 pounds and 8 ounces at his two month well visit to the doctor.

June turned out to be another action packed and fun filled month. Meme had to go back to Georgia on May 31st but Papa Joe arrived on May 29th and was able to stay until June 11th. On June 12th-21st Grandpa and Grandma Garity came back for a 10 day visit to see how little Creighton has grown since their last visit. And last but not least Aunt Stacy was able to take a week off and come visit us, June 22nd-29th.

This month Creighton had is first bottle on June 2nd from Papa Joe and his second bottle from his Daddy on June 25th.

He attended his first roller derby bout on June 5th with his Mommy, Daddy, Papa Joe, Rhiannon, Travis, Don, Janel, Payton, & Landon.

He also got to meet his Great Grandpa and Grandma Stuck, who were in town visiting from Wisconsin.

Took his first road trip to McCall to see his Daddy on June 7-8th where he got to visit the smoke jumper base with Papa Joe and see where his daddy works and watch him in action as well as meet some of his co-workers. He also got to go back to McCall on June 15th-18th with his Grandpa and Grandma Garity (HUGE thanks to Rachel letting us stay with her at her cabin). And a third visit to McCall on June 26th-29th with his Aunt Stacy (HUGE thanks to Auntie Penny for letting us stay at her cabin).

For the first time he slept for 7 hours straight on June 7th. He has not replicated the duration of sleep since but we are very happy with 4-5 hours between feedings at night.

Something new, when we are at home, he is totally content and loves to hang out in his crib and smile and kick for up to 30 minutes when he wakes up before he is interested in getting out…so fun to watch him.

Creighton still loves car rides and daily stroller walks to the park with Bailey. He also loves bath time. He is playing more often and his playtimes continue to get longer (around 1 hour now). He is really good at following objects and started to grasp objects. He also coos and smiles a lot which is very exciting. He is such a strong little man. This month he has upgraded from newborn diapers to size 1.

So many great pictures from this month instead of picking my favorites I have attached the link (hope it works)…

click here to view June photos


  1. It was so good to see the little guy this weekend!love you all--Rhiannon

  2. Love all the new pictures!! What a traveling little guy--he really gets around. It is wonderful to see how great it was for everyone to meet Creighton. Cannot believe how he has changed since I left!! Love to you all. Meme
