Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ocean Isle Beach 2011

This month started off with an amazing beach week at Ocean Isle, NC. Rhiannon and Travis flew in to Asheville and we traveled down together after a quick tour of our new home and downtown.

This years annual pilgrimage was full of reasons to celebrate; First it was my cousin Tim's son, Tyler's 16th birthday wish to have the party there which brought family from Wisconsin, Idaho, and Georgia to celebrate equating to two houses side by side right on the beach. Second Creighton's Godparents, Rhiannon & Travis, are pregnant! We couldn't be more happier for them. Also Travis is now a graduate of BSU, go Blue. And last but certainly not least my sister Mollie accepted Drew's proposal and are engaged! This year it was great to see Creighton running around with his cousins, playing in the water, and spending some quality time with his Dad, who finally after 7 years, was able to make it.

Unfortunately vacations always seem to go to fast and literally the day after we got back the moving truck arrived at our new home and we spent the next two weeks unpacking and getting the house in order. A HUGE thanks to Meme and Papa for coming up two weekends this month and working their butts off from the minute they arrived until all hours of the night then getting up at dawn and working again until they had to leave. We can't thank you enough for all your help!

After two weeks of unpacking, Tim got called out to go to Texas for 14 days and should return home this Friday. Creighton and I split that time up, a week at the house getting settled in and a week in Georgia swimming and playing with his cousins, grandparents and aunts. It is so nice having the opportunity for Creighton to see his family more often.

This month Creighton has started babbling A LOT. He says "uh oh" when he drops things (sometimes on purpose). It is neat that he understands many words, some of them are dance (if you say the word he will start dancing) bath, book, trash (loves all trash containers for some reason where ever we go he will point them out to you), milk (if you offer him milk he will walk over to the fridge and wait for you to open the door, so cute). He also can say daddy, doggie, meme, papa with a d. The other words he says don't actually sound anything like what he means.

Some other things I think are neat...

...Creighton has added a new move when he dances in addition to swaying from side to side he also lifts his feet one at a time very fast.

...when he hears an airplane he makes sure to show you, he looks in the sky and once he spots it he points and says a loud DaDaDaDa and just keeps saying it until you acknowledge that you also see it

...he is now running when excited instead of just walking

...and loves to share his books with you, he will bring one over and just sit right down in your lap and start flipping pages, pointing to his favorite pictures.

Click here to view our pictures from this month.

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